Our client Emile from Colorado, USA, shares his experience of how he enjoyed this spring in Siberia with the Sibers team... read more →
We have moved to a new office in Novosibirsk downtown. A a brand-new almost-skyscraper building with a great view on Ob river and the Trans-Siberian railway... read more →
Please welcome our new team in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. They have just started but have already successfully completed a project for WordPress... read more →
When Sibers was small, it was called Key-Soft. Now, every October we gather all together: people who worked in Key-Soft and still work in Sibers, people who worked in Key-Soft, and people who are working in Sibers and never worked in Key-Soft. Namely: everyone... read more →
Congrats to Dima Reshetov with his successful passing of TS: Microsoft .NET Framework – Application Development Foundation Exam! Dima scored 911 of 1000, while passing score is 700!... read more →
Vasiliy Sergeev, our PHP Team Leader has received a Zend Certification in PHP5. A group of our PHP developers has been preparing for the Certification since May and now more certificates will follow. So be prepared to get better PHP!... read more →
Please welcome Alexander Schellenberg - an AIESEC trainee from Germany, who has just joined us and will guide us through German outsourcing markets. Alex has already done a great job in helping us to buy a Kettler (German brand!) table tennis table and we look forward to trying some German brands of beer :)... read more →
On August, 1st we were lucky to see the total solar eclipse. We were even more lucky to observe it on the tallest building in Akademgorodok, the building where our offices of Sibers are located... read more →
– Pioneers, be online! With such mottos and drumming, with red ties and marching, Sibers celebrated its 10-year anniversary... read more →
A group of Sibersers returned from a 7-day motor rally to Republic of Tyva, which is located at the Mongolia border. We experienced deserts and taiga, temperature drops to -2C/28F, mountain passes of 2200 meters above sea levels and virgin lakes almost in Mongolia. The 4500 km/2800 mile-journey revealed the land of shamans and yurts and made us challenge ourselves... read more →