What is meant by correct development of programming systems? What is right? Be it a primitive “piece of cake” or an exotic product using modern RUP, XP, UML, or something still more sophisticated, when can we praise the development as correct and what are the criteria? Here are a number of points by Alexander Nemtsov... read more →
Recently reviewing reports in my Google Webmaster Tools, on the list “What Googlebot sees In external links to your site” I noticed a Japanese word and remembered an article about us written by Yukko Nitta in rosd.cocolog-nifty.com. That Japanese word was a transcription of our brand name HireRussians in Japanese characters. And then I thought, “What will our title look like in other languages?” Through the Google Transliteration service I have converted HireRussians into some languages of the Indic sub-group and into Arabic characters. Here is the result, I think it’s interesting... read more →
Google reveals a new helpful module for Google AdWords advertisers. Today I have noticed a new tab on the Account Snapshot page: “Keyword Performance”.
This module is obviously intended for monitoring the keywords performance within exact date range.... read more →
I recently posted a question to LinkedIn Answers trying to figure out what makes people outsource to Russia if there exist cheaper options in India and Pakistan. I got 27 answers, all different, and majority was quite detailed. I selected 4 most popular answers why outsourcing to Russia is worth it... read more →