Our first 3D buildings of Akademgorodok start to appear in Google Earth. Turn on the 3D Buildings layer and point to Novosibirsk Akademgorodok to see some of institutes (including ours), the House of Scientists and School 130, which many of Sibersers graduated from.
Much more to follow, including Novosibirsk State University, the Shopping Center, and all of the residential buildings.o
Very funny! Although I never been in Akademgorodok, I always dreamed of coming there. Now I can just open Google Earth and visit it virtually.
Igor, if you want to experience more Akademgorodok immediately after new models are uploaded, stay tuned to Sketchup Warehouse: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/search?tags=akademgorodok
However, no technologies substitute breathing the Akademgorodok air, and you are definitely welcome to visit it!