There are a lot of people around us who desperately need help, and when Sibers heard a story of a nice little girl who couldn’t walk because of cerebral spastic infantile paralysis and whose mother had no money for her treatment, we decided to help. At our local forum we run a campaign which idea was to collect the money for the necessary treatment so as it could begin as soon as possible. The employees could donate any sum and the company added double of this sum.
We phoned the Center of New Medical Technologies where the girl was supposed to have treatment, learnt how much we were to collect and began the action. Actually, the necessary sum was raised surprisingly fast and there was even some extra money for some additional expenses.
Now Sasha, the girl in our care, is in hospital and the treatment has begun. We are happy to help this family in such a desperate situation and are also more than comfortable to work among such responsive colleagues.
Great job guys.