Siberia was the region where we could fully enjoy the total lunar eclipse through all its duration of 1hr 40min in its total phase and of about 6 hours altogether, which makes it real long.
Photo by passer_by
The eclipse is unique due to its completeness and duration as well as the type. In fact, lunar eclipses are quite an ordinary thing, you can even see the summary of them on the NASA site, but this one was the first this year and uncommon. The Moon passed through the center of the Earth shadow, which happens rarely (the next such an event will take place in 141 years) and the Moon totally disappeared in the shadow. The full beauty of the event in Russia could be seen only in southern regions, and Novosibirsk, which is in the south of Western Siberia, belongs to the area.
The sky in Novosibirsk was excellent — clear and starry. The event took place on 16 June, with its total phase at 2:22 a.m.–4:03 a.m. local time. This year being full of different natural events and disasters, we can witness everything going its usual way, luckily, without any catastrophes.
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