By Alex Kachko, Marketing analyst.
Today we will discuss the man’s natural obsession by reducing the Bounce Rate and increasing Average Time of visit on the Site/Page. I want to show you how simple it is to understand that something went wrong on your website and I’ll provide a piece of advice that must improve the key metrics of any website.
Let’s imagine the business of manufacturing handmade paper planes. I called it Paper Jets or shorter pJets. And for promotion we have launched a website.
Usually the first edition looks like the one on Fig.1 (all images on this page are clickable and zoomable). There is clear promotion text that positions our business and a “Submit offer” button. This is the basic thing we have to keep in mind – self positioning and a call to action message.
Ok, we made the first step. But our test website looks poor. People will bounce such web page because it is boring. Therefore it is time to do some makeup and demonstrate your experience. I added a header with flittering paper planes and simple layout of base pJet(Fig.2). I called this step “Suite up and Show up!”
Our home page will grab attention better if we use one of the key successful strategies of communication with people. For example, offering some goods for free. I decided to suggest a feature of printing a base pJet drawing, see Fig.3. Be generous and people will be grateful.
The last piece of advice will be – surprise them! Show people something exclusive, something that they will hardly find anywhere else. I put a demonstration movie of the special pJet model that can perform a “Nesterov Loop”, or a “Dead loop”. And now the homepage of our website looks pretty filled, please don’t confuse it with – the website of one indy-rock musical band.
This experiment I created is based on real experience. And these recommendations could be applied to any website. But remember that you have to fill your website with content that is interesting for your visitors and potential customers, don’t concentrate on just your own perception. Of course there is a lot more techniques to hook people for a long time and convert guests into customers (subscribers, readers, members etc.). If you know any other methods, please share your wisdom in comments.