We have been using Google Adwords for site HireRussians.com for more than 2 years. Now it is when ads are optimized and run with only some small everyday tweaking.
Each month, we spend no more than $400. We decided that $400 is the absolute maximum we can pay Google and in fact we haven’t yet had a chance to pay Google in full. The graph below shows our spendings since April 2007 (blue line) and exponential trendline (black).
As you can see, usually we spend about half of the amount we allow ourselves. The next graph shows Adwords conversion over the time.
First of all, check that the blue line almost exactly follows the spendings line of the first graph. If we spend too little in August, there will be not many conversions in September. And check spendings in October and then the results in December. The cycle is usually 1-2 months.
And now look at the black trendline: even though that monthly conversion varies from 5 to 10% (twice!), the trend is very stable at about 7.5%. It means that the site works stably regardless of clicks and costs.
With conversions being stable, the number of clicks on our Adwords ads becomes fewer and fewer:
This chart exactly follows the first one, demonstrating direct relation of Adwords click depending on how much money you spend on them.
However, regardless of that, number of visitors to HireRussians.com is growing:
Having done a lot of work optimizing the site for Google Adwords, we found that we optimized it for Google generic search also. The hardest thing in SEO is optimizing the site for three things: ads, search engine, and… human. Finding a balance between them is our next priority for HireRussians.com.
i ended up at hirerussians for a google search of “joomla developer” and saw the ad on the sidebar about 4 down. it was the words hirerussians in the green url that caused me to click (and ask for a quote).
Hi Andy, please look for a message from Artem in your mailbox!
yes taking the three terms in hand “ads, search engine, and… human” its rather most likely that we can get the site up in the organic searches too.but that involves great amount of work.